August 12, 2024 C-Path Welcomes CuraSen As Newest CPP Member C-Path is thrilled to welcome CuraSen Therapeutics as the newest member of its Critical Path for Parkinson’s Consortium.
First-ever biomarker qualified for Parkinson’s is a vital step toward improved clinical trials FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kissy Black 615.298.1144 Tucson, AZ — July 26, 2018 – The Criti
“Improving Clinical Trials to Deliver Better Treatments,” as featured in the Spring 2018 edition of “Progress, the research magazine of Parkinson’s UK”
April 28, 2018 Dr. Stephenson’s presentation at University of Texas Health, San Antonio, The Perry and Ruby Stevens Parkinson’s Disease Center of Excellence: “Critical Path for Parkinson’s Collaboration to Enable Patient Focused Drug Development and Precision Medicine”
Dopamine Transporter Neuroimaging as an Enrichment Biomarker in Early Parkinson’s Disease Clinical Trials: A Disease Progression Modeling Analysis Conrado DJ, Nicholas T, Tsai K, Macha S, Sinha V, Stone J, Corrigan B, Bani M, Muglia P, Watson IA, Kern VD, Sheveleva E, Marek K,
The FDA is Listening: Integrating the Voice of the Patient in Drug Development for Parkinson’s and Huntington’s Diseases
The Critical Path for Parkinson’s Consortium: Understanding Motor Disease Progression Through Quantitative Medicine
Global Regulatory Agencies Support the Use of Dopamine Transporter Neuroimaging for Subject Selection in Clinical Trials Targeting Early Stage Parkinson’s Disease
October 3, 2017 Mobile Devices in Clinical Trials for Neurological Diseases: CDISC Standards Development March 10, 2017 Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort | Phoenix, AZ Overview and Objectives The Coalition Against Major Diseas