January 12, 2011 Patient Self-report for Evaluating Mild Cognitive Impairment and Prodromal Alzheimer’s Disease
Critical Path Institute Gathers Cross-Sector Innovators at Global Conference on Drug Development Hundreds of leaders from cross-sector arenas in government, academia, the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry, and patient a
CPTR Yields Progress: New Five-Way Agreement Among Pharmas and NGOs will Speed Development of TB Drug Combinations The Critical Path to TB Drug Regimens (CPTR) today announced an innovative agreement between AstraZeneca, Sanofi, Tibotec, TB Alli
The Patient-Reported Outcome Consortium: Filling Measurement Gaps for PRO End Points to Support Labeling Claims
Brian Harvey, VP, U.S. Regulatory Policy at Sanofi, speaks on panel at Partnering for Cures Nov. 8, 2011 Highlights benefits of public-private partnerships like C-Path’s Coalition Against Major Diseases (CAMD): Stresses importanc
March 11, 2011 Mixing Modes of Patient-Reported Outcomes Data Collection in Clinical Trials: Recommendations
Capturing the Signal in Mild Cognitive Impairment of the Alzheimer’s Type: Industry Partnerships in Pre-Competitive Measure Development