Complex In Vitro Model: Qualification Framework Public Workshop

Critical Path Institute’s (C-Path) Predictive Safety Testing Consortium (PSTC) is delighted to announce the second public workshop on evidentiary considerations for regulatory assessment and qualification of complex in vitro models (CIVMs). Building upon outputs from the first workshop held in September 2023, attendees will comprise individuals from health authorities, academia, model developers, and the pharmaceutical industry. The workshop will provide a platform for attendees to discuss and deliberate on the evidentiary considerations for regulatory assessment and qualification of complex in vitro models. Attendees will work towards achieving a consensus on the model standards and features to improve the performance of CIVMs as a tool for drug development and regulatory assessment.

The meeting will include sessions from key opinion leaders on general considerations for qualification, as well as interactive breakout sessions focusing on specifics related to different organ systems and disease models. The breakout participants will have the opportunity to engage in discussions and deliberations on the evidentiary considerations for regulatory assessment and qualification of complex in vitro models.

The public workshop will be held September 26 and 27, 2024 in Bethesda, Maryland at The Bethesdan Hotel (8120 Wisconsin Ave, Bethesda, MD 20814).

If you are unable to attend in person and would like to participate virtually, please contact Laura Lummus (

The tentative agenda for the 2024 CIVM workshop is included below. Times are subject to change, and speakers will be posted at a date closer to the event

2024 Complex In Vitro Model (CIVM) Qualification Framework Public Workshop: Day 1

September 26, 2024: 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM EST

September 26thSessionTimeLength (min)Topics
Day 1Opening Remarks9:00 AM15Welcome and Introduction
Keynote Address9:15 AM30FDA Perspective on Qualification (ISTAND)
9:45 AM30European Perspective on Qualification
Break10:15 AM15Refreshment Break
Session 1: Global Perspective and Discussion of Use10:30 AM10C-Path Workshop #1
10ICH s5 Example
10EU JRC Ongoing Efforts
10NIST Standarization
10CEN CENELEC Standardization Document
11:20 AM20EFPIA WG (whitepaper for applications of MPS for pharma uses)
IQ MPS (Kim or Jason)
Seiichi Ishida, NIHS Japan
11:40 AM45Panel Discussion
Break (Lunch)12:15 PM90Lunch
Session 2: Applying Specific examples to broader application1:45 PM20ToxicoGenomics
20Efficacy Submission
20Safety Submission
 2:45 PM45Panel Discussion – broad takeaways and how can we use those learnings
Break3:30 PM15Break
Session 3: Context of Use3:45 PM60TraCE-MPS Case Studies
4:45 PM45Panel Discussion – COU discussion and critiques
Closing Remarks5:30 PM15Day 1 Summary and Thanks

Complex In Vitro Model (CIVM) Qualification Framework Public Workshop: Day 2
September 27, 2024: 9:00 AM – 2:10 PM EST

SessionTimeLength (min)Topics
Day 2Opening Remarks9:00 AM10Welcome
Keynote9:10 AM20General evidentiary considerations
Session 4: Breakout Sessions9:30 AM30Breakout session structure and goals
10:00 AM30Breakout session assignments
10:10 AM60Breakout sessions: Cardiac, GI, Kidney, Neuro, Disease Modeling
Break (Lunch)11:10 AM90Lunch
 12:40 PM60Breakout session review
Closing and Meeting Summary1:40 PM30Closing and Next Steps