Strategic Regulatory Evaluation and Endorsement of the Hollow Fiber Tuberculosis System as a Novel Drug Development Tool
Opportunities and Challenges for Cost-Efficient Implementation of New Point-of-Care Diagnostics for HIV and Tuberculosis
Eliminating Tuberculosis and Tuberculosis-HIV Co-Disease in the 21st Century: Key Perspectives, Controversies, Unresolved Issues, and Needs
Qualitative Development and Cognitive Evaluation of the Symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder (S-MDD), A Consortium-Developed Patient Reported Outcome Measure
The Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) Consortium Lessons Learned Along the Path to PRO Instrument Qualification
Best Practices for Avoiding Paper Backup When Implementing Electronic Approaches to Patient-Reported Outcome Data Collection in Clinical Trials Howry, C, E CA, Crescioni, M, E S,, O’Donohoe, P, R T,. Best Practices for Avoiding Paper Backup When Implementing Electronic Ap