
A Path to Real-World Evidence in Critical Care Using Open-Source Data Harmonization Tools

Heavner, Smith F. PhD, RN1,2; Anderson, Wesley PhD3; Kashyap, Rahul MBBS, MBA4,5; Dasher, Pamela BA1; Mathé, Ewy A. PhD6; Merson, Laura7; Guerin, Philippe J. MD, PhD8,9; Weaver, Jeff MBA10; Robinson, Matthew MD11; Schito, Marco PhD1; Kumar, Vishakha K. MD, MBA12; Nagy, Paul PhD13

COVID-19 highlighted the need for use of real-world data (RWD) in critical care as a near real-time resource for clinical, research, and policy efforts. Analysis of RWD is gaining momentum and can generate important evidence for policy makers and regulators. Extracting high quality RWD from electronic health records (EHRs) requires sophisticated infrastructure and dedicated resources. We sought to customize freely available public tools, supporting all phases of data harmonization, from data quality assessments to de-identification procedures, and generation of robust, data science ready RWD from EHRs.

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