
3rd PSTC Japan Safety Biomarker Workshop (presentations available)

2023 Presentations

PMDA’s Perspective on the Evaluation of Novel Biomarkers (Hisanao Izumi, PhD)

Biomolecular Needling System for Medicals (Beomjoon Kim, PhD)

Novel Biomarker Exploration Using SOMAscan (Noriaki Arakawa)

Japanese Healthy Volunteer Study (Takehiko Sambe, MD, PhD)

C-Path’s Predictive Safety Testing Consortium held the 3rd PSTC Japan Safety Biomarker Workshop on February 20, 2023 in Fujisawa, Japan. The utilization of biomarkers in guiding drug development decisions through clinical trials and post marketing studies is increasing. This conference explored the areas of cooperation in the clinical applicaton of biomarkers and drug development tools and their qualification and shared knowledge about safety biomarkers in drug development via speaker presentations and panel discussions. Representatives from academia, government and industry participated.
