Science Foundation Arizona Invests to Increase Arizona’s Biomedical Capacity The Critical Path Institute (C-Path), has been awarded a $9 million investment grant from Science Foundation Arizona (SFAz).
C-Path Researchers Crack Diseases Through Math, Info Sharing This week, Inside Tucson Business debuts a new monthly feature which profiles the work of young scientists. The idea is to showcas
Tucson Citizen – Blood Thinner Safety Effort Touted A Tucson-based research institute says it is improving the safety of a widely used blood thinning drug.
Arizona State Governor Janet Napolitano Awards C-Path with the 2007 Arizona Innovation Award Thanks to C-Path’s role as an independent, neutral third party, it has been successful in bringing together scientists from
Science Foundation Arizona Announces $10 Million in Grants to Fund Research Collaboration With Industry Science Foundation Arizona (SFAz), through its Strategic Research Group (SRG) program, today announced that it is granting nearly
Tucson Nonprofit Seeks to Get Cures to Patients Faster A little-noticed 2004 report from the Food and Drug Administration contained a bombshell. Although spending on research and develo
Valley Fever Cure a Step Closer The federal government is backing the first potential cure for valley fever, a serious lung disease that has spiked in recent year
Drug Research Institute Sdds Liason From UA The retired head of research at the University of Arizona has joined the Tucson-based Critical Path Institute, a UA- and FDA-affil
C-Path to Spur Medical Innovation We all remember the Vioxx scare and authorities say it could happen again. However, the FDA is stepping up its efforts to improve