CFAST Announces Parkinson’s Disease Drug Development Milestone: Release and Availability of a PD Therapeutic Area Data Standard
FDA Works with Partners to Establish Important Therapeutic Area Data Standards Clarification, November 5, 2012: CFAST is a joint initiative of CDISC and the Critical Path Institute. The FDA and TransCelerate B
FDA, IMI, and Patient Advocates to Present at CDISC 2012 International Interchange Formal Launch of CFAST – Collaboration between C-Path and CDISC The Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) and Critical Path Institute (C-Path) announce the launch of the Coaliti
C-Path, CDISC launch “breakthrough” tool for TB drug development A “breakthrough” tool that standardises reporting of research data in the development of drug regimens to combat tuber
CDISC, C-Path and FDA Collaborate to Develop Data Standards to Streamline Path to New Therapies The Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) and the Critical Path Institute (C-Path) announce the signing of a part
House Energy and Commerce Committee Hearing C-Path’s work was positively acknowledged by Dr. Janet Woodcock during the April 18 House Energy and Commerce Committee Hear
C-Path’s Avilés Discusses Importance of Data Standards in FDA Week Article FDA is encouraging industry to use newly crafted therapeutic data standards — such as utilization of qualified biomarkers
Critical Path Institute and Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium Announce Release of Data Standards for Alzheimer’s Disease Research Critical Path Institute(C-Path)and Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium(CDISC) today announced the release of version 1.
CDISC International Interchange October 12-13 in Baltimore, MD: “Standards for Patients” The CDISC International Interchange this fall in Baltimore will highlight “Standards for Patients”. The Conference on