C-Path’s Rare and Orphan Disease Programs is excited to have Dr. Anthony Bleyer present it’s June webinar, “Hidden in Plain Sight: Autosomal Dominant Tubulointerstitial Kidney Disease (ADTKD).” Dr. Bleyer is a Professor of Internal Medicine/Nephrology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, with adjunct appointments at the Broad Institute of Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the Institute for Inherited Metabolic Disorders at Charles University, Czech Republic.
Dr. Bleyer led the team that identified mutations in the UMOD gene as a cause of ADTKD and has been leading the Wake Forest Rare Inherited Kidney Disease team for the last 25 years. His presentation will cover the genetics of ADTKD, its biology and mechanisms, a description of the Wake Forest registry, and unmet drug development needs.
Join us for this valuable opportunity to gain insights from an expert in the field.