
C-Path Wraps Up Productive Leadership Retreat, In-Person Meetings

Klaus Meta ELR

Critical Path Institute proudly recruits elite talent from across the globe, supporting remote work and a healthy work-life balance throughout the year. The team effectively collaborates on Teams and Zoom, but there’s no replacement for some good old fashioned face-to-face time. So, much of the C-Path squad met in person at its Tucson, Arizona headquarters for a leadership retreat, strategic discussions, office happy hour, and a “Show Your Stripes” gathering in support of Rare Disease Day.  

core competencies graph

The week kicked off with a C-Path Board of Directors meeting, focused on a review of strategic opportunities with the Board and C-Path leadership. Later that day, the team gathered and showed its stripes in support of everyone affected by a rare disease for #rarediseaseday2024. (If you haven’t already, check out our Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Impact Story here). Wednesday’s Executive Leadership retreat focused on a status review of the efforts across C-Path’s broad portfolio along with a strategy session on exciting efforts to come.  Thursday transitioned to smaller, strategic team meetings as our consortia and programs took advantage of that valuable in-person time before remote staff flew home safely that evening and Friday morning.  

All in all, it was a productive and fun week, one that will culminate in deliverable results for all C-Path supporters and valued members throughout the rest of the year and beyond!  
