
Watch Now: Accelerating Drug Development for Rare Diseases through Data Sharing and Analysis Webinar



Despite increasing numbers of drug targets and technologies, rare disease drug development is frequently slowed by the low numbers of patients and the lack of comprehensive quantitative characterization of diseases. Tucson’s Critical Path Institute (C-Path), along with the National Organization of Rare Disorders and the FDA, have developed an integrated database and analytics hub called the Rare Disease Cures Accelerator-Data and Analytics Platform (RDCA-DAP) to help accelerate clinical development, make it less expensive, and encourage new companies to develop treatments for rare diseases.


Jane Larkindale, D.Phil. Critical Path Institute, Executive Director Rare Disease Cures Accelerator-Data and Analytics Platform; Duchenne Regulatory Science Consortium

Vanessa Boulanger, MSc, National Organization for Rare Disorders, Director of Research Programs

Michelle Campbell, PhD, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Sr. Clinical Analyst for Stakeholder Engagement and Clinical Outcomes, Division of Neurology Products

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