CPAD Has Two Posters Accepted to Alzheimer’s Association International Conference

The Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) is the largest annual scientific meeting with focus on Alzheimer disease (AD). More than 6,500 researchers and participants from pharma, academia, patent-advocacy organizations and other groups came together in Chicago between July 22nd and 26th to exchange the latest developments and research results.

Each year, on behalf of our consortium members, CPAD attends AAIC to share the latest milestones of our work with the research community, to educate ourselves on latest developments and trends, and to meet and exchange information with our members and other key opinion leaders. This year, two posters were accepted for presentation:

1. Arnerić et al.: “The Critical Path for Alzheimer’s Disease (CPAD) consortium – facilitating rapid data and information sharing by establishing a sustainable, integrated, and standardized platform advancing knowledge to enable expedited drug development.” On display: Wednesday, July 25, 2018; LINK

2. Conrado et al.: “The Critical Path for Alzheimer’s Disease: Hippocampal volume as an enrichment biomarker in trials of patients with mild cognitive impairment.” On display: Tuesday, July 24, 2018; LINK

Both posters attracted significant attention and viewer traffic, and were well received by AAIC participants.

Next year’s AAIC is scheduled for July 14-18, 2019 in Los Angeles, CA.
