
View Now: Webinar - TRxA 2023 Funding Opportunities

Speaker: Maaike Everts

Summary: C-Path’s Translational Therapeutics Accelerator is a global drug discovery support program that leverages C-Path’s proficiency in translational and regulatory science to bridge the drug development “valley of death.” TRxA accomplishes this by providing academic researchers with funding and guidance to define optimal strategies to advance cutting-edge new therapeutics from the lab to clinical trials and, ultimately, patient care.

On Wednesday, February 8 at 10 AM US ET, attendees gathered to learn more about TRxA and its 2023 funding opportunities. Content will include an overview of the types of projects TRxA funds, eligibility criteria for TRxA awards, and details about how to apply before the first submission deadline of April 17, 2023. The webinar will conclude with a live Q&A.

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