TUCSON, Ariz., June 20, 2023 — Critical Path Institute (C-Path), an independent nonprofit organization, today announced it is providing access to the Critical Path for Parkinson’s (CPP) Integrated Parkinson’s Database to external qualified researchers.
With 10 million people living with Parkinson’s worldwide, the fastest growing degenerative neurological condition, collaboration and data sharing are crucial to drive innovation in drug development.
A large, integrated Parkinson’s database has been developed by the CPP global consortium, one of many programs led by Critical Path Institute. The CPP database contains standardized observational cohort and clinical trial data from multiple Parkinson’s studies from across the world to support and accelerate research for promising new treatments in development. To date, CPP has acquired a total of 31 datasets with over 15,000 participants. More than half of these will now be made available to qualified researchers in the aggregated database located on C-Path’s Online Data Repository.
“There is growing recognition that data sharing and precompetitive collaborations are key success factors in accelerating drug development and improving patient outcomes,” said Diane Stephenson, Ph.D., CPP Executive Director. “C-Path remains committed to learning what is most meaningful to people living with Parkinson’s and engaging them at all stages of the drug development process.”
“Sharing of data from ongoing and past Parkinson’s research studies and clinical trials enables the world to learn about Parkinson’s in new ways and assures that promising new trials are aimed to advance precision-based therapies,” said David Dexter, Ph.D., Director of Research at Parkinson’s UK, a long-standing and key partner to CPP.
Qualified researchers can request access to harmonized participant-level data from multiple Parkinson’s disease clinical studies through a secure online portal. This integrated data, standardized in a common format, enables the exploration of new research questions and the advancement of precision medicine approaches for Parkinson’s. CPP’s aims are to achieve endorsement of new drug development tools by regulatory agencies, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency.
“Critical Path for Parkinson’s is focused on sharing precompetitive participant-level data from observational cohorts and legacy clinical trials and implementing consensus data standards. Increased open science and information exchange through data sharing will further the value of all clinical trial research,” said patient researcher and Parkinson’s advocate, Sue Dubman, M.A. “It is a priority of people affected by Parkinson’s to share their own data and in the public’s interest to have access to comprehensive clinical trial data to ensure a complete understanding of drug or device safety and effectiveness.”
With a wealth of data and insights at the fingertips of its users, the database further enables CPP’s work of accelerating the development of innovative therapeutics through the continuous acquisition of a multitude of datasets into one global, centralized repository. Moving beyond information collection, CPP leverages the database to facilitate the transformation of data into action not only by providing access to experts in research, regulatory and academic fields, but also by actively engaging key stakeholders in ongoing working groups to urgently identify unmet needs in Parkinson’s clinical trial design and drug development efforts.
Additional details and instructions on how to access the CPP Integrated Parkinson’s Database can be found here: https://c-path.org/programs/cpp/.
About Critical Path Institute
Critical Path Institute (C-Path) is an independent, nonprofit organization established in 2005 as a public and private partnership. C-Path’s mission is to catalyze the development of new approaches that advance medical innovation and regulatory science, accelerating the path to a healthier world. An international leader in forming collaborations, C-Path has established numerous global consortia that currently include more than 1,600 scientists from government and regulatory agencies, academia, patient organizations, disease foundations, and hundreds of pharmaceutical and biotech companies. C-Path U.S. is headquartered in Tucson, Arizona, C-Path Europe is headquartered in Amsterdam, Netherlands with additional staff in multiple other locations. For more information, visit c-path.org.
Media Contact:
Kissy Black